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Let there be LightLet there be Light

This weekend we finally finished installing our backyard malibu lighting, with the addition of  LED lanterns lining the lake. What was meant to be a simple installation turned into, of course, multiple yard projects. So here's how it went. We purchased this kit (which contained 6 lanterns and two sp…

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What to expect...What to expect...

Since there is so much to do with this house, and so many new ideas that are constantly popping into my head, I thought it might be helpful to organize my thoughts by creating a checklist of sorts for all the upcoming projects. Now, this list isn't set in stone, and will be evolving as I go along, b…

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Swedish SaturdaySwedish Saturday

We finally did it. We made the 2.5 hour trek to Ikea to get all the crap we've been so desperately needing. I have been planning and scheming for months over this, as I know there probably won't be another trip in the near future. Luckily we had two friends who accompanied us and helped push our 6 o…

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This is why I'm not a carpenterThis is why I'm not a carpenter

I spent my weekends growing up in the garage with my dad while he was building furniture. Somehow, up until this weekend, I've managed to never use an electric saw or nail gun. But yesterday I decided to break them both out of their packages and complete not one, but two wood framing projects simult…

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