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Official bathroom befores (+ current progress)Official bathroom befores (+ current progress)

Master Bathroom demolition has begun! First order of business was to take as many "Before" pictures as possible (there never seems to be enough of those after the fact). There had to be several shots taken since the room is so small and chopped up, and my lens is not wide angle {insert sad face here…

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The Masterbath Plan.The Masterbath Plan.

I last spoke about this back in May, when we were in the middle of what felt like a thousand projects at once. Then the bad news came and we had to put a halt to everything. Now that we're financially able to continue, we're jumping right back into our master bathroom reno. And I'm excited. Very, ve…

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No-sew cloth napkinsNo-sew cloth napkins

I wanted to quickly share how I made these cloth napkins for my tablesetting:These were a quick last minute addition that I thought of to bring a pop of color to the table. I figured it would be a fun experiment to choose my own fabric and DIY them. So I headed to Joann's and came back with my fabr…

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I quit my job.I quit my job.

Last Friday I decided to trade a job for a career. I want to share my story... and I will, soon.For now, I'll be hibernating in my office for the next 48 hours, doing what I love, until I go back to work on Monday and finish my last 15 days of employment.Also, check out where I was today :)Big thing…

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Hanging in thereHanging in there

I'm still alive... (barely). It's been pretty insanely busy since my last post. But I did have time to squeeze in a quick trip to NYC to visit my cousin...It was such a blast. Loved every second.And now it's back to reality. I'm not sure if I'll have time to work on a new project this weekend, but B…

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