New Laundry Rom: Beadboard wall, Paint & LightingNew Laundry Rom: Beadboard wall, Paint & Lighting

Welcome to the latest installment of our laundry room reno! We made some great progress this week that has me quite excited for the end result. Everything (so far) is coming together as I had envisioned.On Tuesday we left off with the storage room looking like this:The original plan was to have a wa…

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New Laundry Room: Painted Wood CeilingNew Laundry Room: Painted Wood Ceiling

My favorite part of this process so far happened yesterday—a freshly painted ceiling! Before I get into that, let's talk about what else we've done in the past few days.We still have this back wall of 2x4's in the storage room:It needed to be insulated first, so Brad got to work on that Saturday mor…

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New Laundry Room: Salvaged Door DIY'sNew Laundry Room: Salvaged Door DIY's

Can we pause for a moment to take in the current state of our home?We've been living in this dust for over two weeks—layers of dirt have been accumulating everywhere and any attempt to clean is futile as it is constantly being dragged through the house by the rotation of workers.And our downstairs..…

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