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Best of 2014: A year in reviewBest of 2014: A year in review

With just two days left of this year, I can't help but look back and reflect on how much has changed in our home. We've been busier and accomplished more in the past 363 days than all our prior days of home ownership combined. There have been so many ups and downs on this roller coaster ride, but go…

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5 Days of Holiday DIY's: JOY Chalkboard5 Days of Holiday DIY's: JOY Chalkboard

Happy Friday! It's the last day of my 5 Days of holiday DIY's...Here's a recap of this week if you missed anything:Day 1: Branchlers + free printablesDay 2: Quick + easy tree ornamentsDay 3: No sew sweater stockingDay 4: 1 minute mini wreath and DIY garland Today I'm sharing how I made this JOY chal…

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5 Days of Holiday DIY's: 1 minute mini-wreath and DIY pine garland5 Days of Holiday DIY's: 1 minute mini-wreath and DIY pine garland

Welcome to Day 4 of my 5 Days of Holiday DIY's!If you missed anything this week, make sure to get caught up now:Day 1: Branchlers + free printablesDay 2: Quick + easy tree ornamentsDay 3: No sew sweater stockingToday I'm excited to share how I added lots of fresh greenery to our home (for free!) and…

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